
Imagine VersionInfo Action Plugin Overview


This is a small plugin that allows the AMS user to extract extra version information from executables/libraries. Unlike the native File.GetVersionInfo, this plugin extracts all fields of the substructure named StringFileInfo. If you want the real numeric version number, use File.GetVersionInfo.

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Filename Version / Changelog  
versioninfo-action-plugin- Sun 12 Sep 2010, version x Download

Additional Information

The example that comes with this plugin requires the ListIcon plugin (version 2,0,0,0 or higher)

Click here to check out the ListIcon action plugin

Compatibility Information

This plugin requires the Autoplay Media Studio 8 runtime engine. This will not work with older versions of AMS.


  • VersionInfo.GetInfo

Special credits

Special credits go to these friends:
  • Boku - For making me make this plugin, even though he really didn't